
Carboxy Treatment

What is Carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical treatment which is most commonly used to treat and improve the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and dark under-eye circles.

It is a painless method with long-lasting effects and involves controlled micro injections of carbon dioxide into the skin. The Co2 injected microscopically causes a rapid expansion of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow along with nutrients. This causes microcirculation and cell renewal. The inflammatory response stimulates collagen production.

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Carboxy treatment

What are the benefits of Carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy can treat a wide range of areas, some of the benefits it includes are:

  • Elimination of dark circles under the eyes
  • Reduction of wrinkles and scars
  • Fat Dissolving
  • Reduction of cellulite & stretch marks
  • Firming and rejuvenation of the skin
  • Eliminating acne and discolouration

This treatment can either be done individually or as an add-on to another treatment to enhance results! At Angel Aesthetics, this is a popular add-on alongside LipoContrast to enhance body transformation results; or even alongside Tear Trough Filler when treating under-eye bags and dark circles!

We offer individual sessions but a course of 6 sessions is recommended for optimal results!

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Where can we target?

Carboxytherapy is indicated for a range of different areas including:

  • Scalp
  • Eyes
  • Neck & Decolletage
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Fat Tissue Reduction
Carboxy Result Stretch Marks
Carboxy Result Eyes
Carboxy Result Skin Tightening
Carboxy Result Scars

Carboxytherapy FAQs

The Scalp: Strengthening scalp blood microcirculation results in better nutrition of the hair bulb matrix, accelerated growth and reduced hair loss.

The Face: The skin’s response to CO2 injection is to cause inflammation and initiate the process of remodelling, improving microcirculation and collagen production.

The Eyes: Carboxytherapy of the eye area is excellent for improving the condition of the eyelid skin. It allows you to reduce dark circles under the eyes, thicken the skin of the lower eyelid and reduce swelling.

The Neck & Decolletage: Carboxytherapy of the neck and decolletage has the accompanying effect of contraction of collagen fibres, which results in increased skin elasticity.

Scars & Stretch Marks: The linear development of scars or stretch marks is aimed at mechanical disruption of fibrosis and separation of connective tissue from the substrate, which gives the effect of sunken skin. The treatment forces the production of type III collagen and the creation of new blood vessels.

Fat Tissue Reduction: Carbon dioxide significantly reduces the pH of the tissue to which it is applied locally. The fat cell membranes dissolve, thanks to which the cells die, are metabolized, and excreted by the body. Carbon dioxide introduced into adipose tissue partially changes into carbonic acid, which dissolves fat cells.

Do not book your treatment within 2 weeks of any COVID jabs or 2 weeks within having COVID. 

Do not take ibuprofen 7 days before your treatment. 

It is optional to take arnica tablets 7 days before your treatment to speed up any bruising that may occur. 

Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment

Do not touch the area for 24 hours or apply any makeup.

Do not do any strenuous exercise, or sweat excessively for 48 hours.

Do not go in any saunas,swimming pools or baths for 48 hours. Avoid high temperatures and sun exposure after your treatment. 

Do not apply heat to the area unless advised to do so. 

Carboxytherapy Treatment Details

Treatment Time: 10 Minutes per area

Recovery/Down Time: 48 Hours

Results: Between 6-10 sessions

No of Treatments: A course of 6 (Recommended)

How long do results last: Permanent

Aftercare: No makeup, exercise or high temperatures.